How many opportunities do we pass up on a daily basis to connect with other humans because we have our faces in our screens? So, next time you want to turn to your phone for information, see if you can turn to a person first! Even if the recommendation sucked, you soaked up a little human goodness on the way there :) You’ll be happy you did.
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So, I had these elaborate plans about documenting my social media cleanse (which I will get to some other time) but I thought that this topic took precedence. In the time that I was off social media, my friend reached out and told me about a job at Facebook she thought I’d enjoy. I was like, “why not?!” So I applied. A side effect of going off social media that I did not expect, was how much extra brain space I would have access to…
For those of you who know me well, I am a chronic people pleaser. I have gotten a lot better as I get older (I’m almost 30!), but I’m still a big "YES" person. Meaning, I tend to say "yes" to everything, sometimes even when I don’t want to do it or it doesn’t serve me. And I know I’m not alone here. Especially as a woman, it’s in our nature to want to give, serve, care, and put everyone else first. But like with other things, balance is super important…
Are you at all like me in that you constantly find yourself looking for distractions instead of staying in the moment? You guys, it’s easier now more than ever with our phones, computers, notifications, etc. Have you ever heard someone say, “I could never retire / take more than 2 weeks off, I would get so bored!” But why are we all so afraid of being bored?! So, instead of planning my next trip or looking forward to the next thing on the calendar, I’m going to try to just hold space for boredom.
Some of you know that I’ve been experimenting with natural deodorants for sometime now, either from me blabbing on and on about it, or from my lovely scent ;) I originally became interested in pursuing more natural options right after my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Although there were no links between her deodorant or talcum powder use and the cancer, it still got me thinking about the products that I use regularly and how they might be affecting my endocrine system and overall health.
Many of you know that I am a deeply sensitive person, which most of the time works to my advantage. It allows me to connect with people on a more meaningful level and helps me to treat others the way I’d like to be treated. But where it sometimes shoots me in the foot is when I become overly sensitive to things that people say and do...
You know that feeling when lots of people like your Instagram post, or the person whose opinion you value finally pays you a compliment, or you go out on a limb, try something new, and everyone responds positively? It’s human nature to want to be liked and accepted, especially when we show our vulnerable selves, so it’s no wonder we feel warm and fuzzy when it happens...
A lot of young people have this routine I like to call the “come home, sink into the couch and consume things on your smartphone” habit. I’m incredibly guilty of this as well. There was a time when I’d get home, and for the brief amount of time I’d have to spend with my guy, I’d scroll through my various feeds instead. Not only did my habit put a huge strain on our relationship, it also prevented me from getting a good night’s sleep...